Retail addict and marketing professional. I have dedicated most of my working life to the understanding of how to influence the consumer no matter if it´s inside or out of the store.
Owner of Magnus Ohlsson Retail Management.
Spend Consideration on Money versus Points
Many customer loyalty programs allow a member to use accumulated points to
acquire items which also could be purchased from the marketer with money.
Är det förmågan eller möjligheten som fattas?
I kulturdelen i dagens DN har skribenten Saga Cavallin ondgjort sig över
att, som hon menar, ”Reklammakarnas skrivförmåga tycks ha nått all time
low”. Som ...
The Resting Animal Collection
The resting animals are inspired by a series of research interviews we made
with people about their objects in their homes. We found that many
interesting ...