A recession in the eurozone seems imminent, if not already here. It´s time to look back and see what it use to mean, but at the same time look forward at the possibilities ahead. And, of course keep working with what you have today...
Retail addict and marketing professional. I have dedicated most of my working life to the understanding of how to influence the consumer no matter if it´s inside or out of the store.
Owner of Magnus Ohlsson Retail Management.
Serve People Just What They Expect
Surprisingly, if you exceed your customers’ expectations for service
quality, this can decrease customer satisfaction. The University of
South Carolin...
Till minne av Mats Dafnäs
Ännu en av dem som bidragit till reklam- och kommunikationssektorns
utveckling är borta. För knappt två veckor sedan gick Mats Dafnäs bort till
följd av AL...
The Resting Animal Collection
The resting animals are inspired by a series of research interviews we made
with people about their objects in their homes. We found that many
interesting ...