By now, we're used to letting Facebook and Twitter capture our social lives on the web -- building a "social layer" on top of the real world. At TEDxBoston, Seth Priebatsch looks at the next layer in progress: the "game layer," a pervasive net of behavior-steering game dynamics that will reshape education and commerce.
Retail addict and marketing professional. I have dedicated most of my working life to the understanding of how to influence the consumer no matter if it´s inside or out of the store.
Owner of Magnus Ohlsson Retail Management.
Grasp Profits from Enjoyment of Crafting
In my tale for today’s post, a man possessing fine aesthetic tastes comes
across a distinctive handmade vase at a craft fair. He locates the artist
to expr...
After eight years of writing, the book is finally finished (the timing
feels right). Purchases can be made at WHAT’S NEXT FOR
Hej då Janne!
Ännu en reklamprofil har lämnat oss. Förra veckan tog cancern sista setet
mot Janne Rönnmark. Han var visserligen ingen av affischprofilerna,
eftersom han ...
The Resting Animal Collection
The resting animals are inspired by a series of research interviews we made
with people about their objects in their homes. We found that many
interesting ...